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Home Card Suite Lite

Card Suite Lite

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What is Card Suite Lite?

Card Suite Lite is a mobile app that allows you to control how, when, and where your debit and/or credit cards are used. It is a simple and secure way to manage and monitor your payment transaction activity. Card Suite Lite can help keep your payment cards safe and provide instant alerts whenever your card is used.

What is required to use Card Suite Lite?

Card Suite Lite requires you to have a credit and/or debit card account issued from a financial institution that is enrolled in Card Suite Lite. You will also need an Apple or Android smartphone.

How do I get the Card Suite Lite app?

Card Suite Lite is available in both the Apple store and Google Play store.

Is there a fee to use the app?

No. It is provided to you at no cost so you can have more control over your card.

What kind of mobile devices are supported?

  • The most current OS as well as the two previous versions
  • Although Card Suite Pro may work on smart watches, iPad, or Tablet, they are not supported.

Can I use Card Suite Lite on my iPad or tablet?

Although Card Suite Lite may be available for Apple iPad and Android tablets, some features may be missing from those versions of the app. Card Suite Lite is optimized for personal mobile devices.

Can I set up Card Suite Lite on my smart watch?

No, Card Suite Lite is not compatible with smart watches.

I received a new card number. Will it be automatically updated in the app?

If your card is reissued with the existing card number, you will not need to add it to the app again. However, if your card is reissued with a new card number, you will need to add the new card to the app.


How many cards can I register?

There is no limit as to how many cards you can register.

What if I am having trouble during registration?

If you have problems registering, contact The Citizens Bank at 334-347-3411 (Enterprise) or 251-517-1940 (Fairhope) for assistance.

When registering I received a message stating that the card was already registered. What does this mean?

The Card Already Registered message means that someone else has already registered the card in the Card Suite Lite app. By clicking the Add Card Anyways option you will be added as a shared user. See the Shared Users section for more information on this feature.

Card Controls

What are the different types of control options available in the Card Suite Lite app?

Card Suite Lite offers three different types of controls:

  • Transaction controls allow you to control various transaction types, including online, in-store, contactless, ATM, and mail/phone. Using this feature, you can block specific transaction types to avoid fraud.
  • Merchant controls allow you to control the merchants where your card can be used and set spend limits.
  • Location controls allow you to define an area where your card can be used. There are 3 types of location controls:
    • Location Shield requires that the phone be within 8 miles of the merchant for the transaction to be approved.
    • Region Shield allows you to select a zip code, city or state where purchases can be made. Up to 50 regions can be added.
    • International Transactions defaults to the country that your financial institution set up your card in, but you can add additional countries. Travel dates can be added to regions in location controls. However, adding dates to the Card Suite Lite application does not add them to your financial institutions system. You will still need to contact your financial institution and notify them of your international travel dates to ensure that your transactions are not declined.

What is the freeze card feature?

The freeze card feature allows you to lock your card temporarily. All transactions will be declined while the card is in a frozen status except for recurring/auto payments.

When I freeze my card, will my autopay and recurring transactions also be declined?

No, autopay and recurring transactions will continue when the card is frozen.

How long does it take for a control or alert setting to take effect?

Controls and alerts come into effect immediately after you save your preferences.

Can I use Location Shield, Region Shield and International Transactions at the same time?

Yes. Location Shield, Region Shield and International Transactions card controls can be used in conjunction with one another. When Region Shield and International Transactions are enabled, you will only be able to use your card in those regions/countries selected.

I was at the merchant, and my transaction was declined. Why?

When a transaction is declined due to a control that was setup in the Card Suite Lite app, a push notification is sent. You can view the card control(s) that cause the decline by going to Transaction History. Tap the declined transaction and the control(s) that were evoked during the authorization will be listed near the bottom.

Please note: The transaction could also be declined because of external factors like insufficient funds or fraud monitoring - Card Suite Lite will not display these external factors.

What happens to auto-pay/recurring transactions if I block the merchant?

Any autopay/recurring transactions for that merchant will be declined.

When a transaction is declined due to card controls, can I temporarily update the card controls to make that transaction a success?

Yes, you can temporarily turn off card controls by tapping the Override button for a declined transaction. However, this must be done within 10 minutes of the original transaction being declined.


What are Alerts?

Alerts let you know when certain events occur. You can choose to turn on/off alerts for the following events:

  • Card Management: Card expiration and freeze/unfreeze alerts
  • Card Controls: Alerts for merchant, location and transaction controls
  • Transactions: Alerts for approved and declined transactions

How will I receive alerts?

Alerts will be sent as a push notification on your mobile phone. Alerts can also be viewed in-app by clicking on the bell notification icon.

Why am I not receiving the alerts that I set up in the app?

Confirm that your mobile device’s notification settings for the Card Suite Lite app are turned on. If alerts are turned off at the operating system level, Card Suite Lite will not be able to deliver alerts to your device.

Will I receive alerts for users that I have shared the card with?

Yes, any card activity done by a shared user will trigger a notification for the card owner.

Archiving a Card

What does it mean to archive a card?

Archiving a card allows you to hide a card and all related transaction information from the home view while keeping the card controls.

How do I archive a card?

Cards can be archived by clicking the manage icon under your card image.

Can I see a card once I move it to the Archive section?

Yes, you can see the archived card under Manage>Archive Card. You can also unarchive your card in this section.

Can I freeze a card that has been moved to the Archive section?

Yes, you can freeze/unfreeze a card once it has been moved to Archive. You can also unarchive or delete an archived card from the Archive section.

Shared Cards

Who can I share my cards with?

You can share your card with your partner, parent, child, friend, co-worker, or other trusted contacts.  You can share the card with up to a hundred members simultaneously.

How do I share a card?

Share a card by clicking on the manage > card sharing > add member. Choose an existing contact from your address book to auto-fill recipients’ information. Links and instructions to access the shared card will be sent to the recipient via text.

Can I set different merchant-level controls for myself and a different set of controls for someone I have shared my card with?

No, the controls that you set will apply to all shared users.

Can a user of a shared card override card controls?

No. The shared card user can’t override a transaction declined by specific card controls.

Can I stop sharing my card with someone?

Yes, you can remove a shared card user using the Card Sharing feature under the Manage option on the Card home screen.

Managing the Application

If I get a new or replacement smartphone, how do I begin using the service again?

Just download Card Suite Lite on the new device and login. User’s account information of Card Suite App is not stored locally hence when user logs into their existing account on a new device - all card controls, preferences and transactions stay intact. For best practices, it is recommended to log in and validate that all your settings have carried over.



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